CELTA Syllabus

The CELTA syllabus is the most crucial document in the course. It outlines the objectives and sets the basis for the assessment criteria and grading for CELTA.

As accredited by Cambridge, the syllabus is a reflection of the pre-service entry point of prospective candidates. It outlines both the subject knowledge and the pedagogic knowledge and skills required for beginner ESOL teachers.

The syllabus consists of five specific topic modules:

Topic 1: Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context
Topic 2: Language analysis and awareness
Topic 3: Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
Topic 4: Planning and resources for different teaching contexts
Topic 5: Developing teaching skills and professionalism

Syllabus Overview

Each module in the syllabus is further subdivided into units. Below is the Syllabus overview:

Topic 1: Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context

Learning outcomes for the first module:

  • Understand the range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds of learners and their motivations for learning English as an adult
  • Identify learning styles, needs and personal factors that may affect language learning
  • Understand the varieties of English and adapting this knowledge in planning and teaching
  • Understanding multilingualism and the role of first languages

Topic 2: Language analysis and awareness

  • Understanding key terminology and fundamental concepts used in English language teaching, applying this terminology in planning and teaching
  • Grammar; grammatical frameworks: rules and conventions relating to words, sentences, paragraphs and texts
  • Demonstrating a working knowledge of lexis, word formation and use in a context
  • Understanding of phonology; the formation and description of English phonemes; features of connected speech
  • The practical significance of similarities and difference between languages
  • Effective strategies for developing learners language knowledge

Topic 3: Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing

The goal of the third module is to help teachers’ develop an understanding of the necessary language skills. The subunits include:

  • Understanding basic concepts and terminology used for describing reading, listening, speaking and writing skills
  • Purposes of reading and listening
  • Decoding meaning, language functions and phonemic systems
  • Listening texts, written texts, spoken English and Paralinguistic features
  • Understanding potential barriers to reading and listening
  • Approaches to developing learners’ receptive and productive skills
  • Adult literacy
  • English spelling and punctuation

Topic 4: Planning and resources for different teaching contexts

  • Understanding the purpose and principles of planning for effective teaching
  • Selecting and planning the kinds of lessons that are most appropriate for particular learners
  • Methods of evaluating and reflecting on lesson preparation for planning future lessons
  • Awareness of commercially produced resources and non-published materials and adapting such as classroom resources for teaching English

Topic 5: Developing teaching skills and professionalism

The fifth module consists mainly of practical aspects of English teaching including approaches learnt from all other modules:

  • Effectively organizing the classroom, both in terms of layout and pair/group activities with consideration for safety and regulations
  • Effecting classroom presence and control by maintain a good rapport with learners
  • Making appropriate use of a range of materials and resources to align with specified aims
  • Involving learners of different ability levels, enabling them to feel a sense of progress
  • Practical skills for monitoring and evaluation, including tracking of learners behaviour and response

CELTA course programmes in Australia are designed by individual centres using the approved syllabus and course objectives.

Each of our centres in the five locations (Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney) have input sessions aligned with the course objectives and overview as detailed in the CELTA Syllabus. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn during the CELTA course in Australia?

All that you will learn during the CELTA is clearly outlined in the Cambridge approved syllabus. You can find the full CELTA syllabus on the Cambridge website here.

Will I be assessed and graded based on the CELTA syllabus?

Yes. The CELTA syllabus provides the basis for assessment which comes in the form of written assignments on all topics covered as well as teaching practice. 

Who grades my assessments if I take my CELTA in Australia?

The centre internally assesses your CELTA in Australia. However, a Cambridge English accredited assessor conducts external moderation. The assessor examines your portfolio, and teaching practice then regulates and approves your grades.

How To Apply


Request Application

Request the application/pre-interview task, and submit it after completion.


Attend Interview

Attend an interview in-person or through Skype with one of our tutors.


Confirm Your Place

Following a successful interview you can confirm your place for the course.

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